Apple Country Cruise-in, Ellijay, Ga.
Springs Shopping Center info: Jim @ 706-889-0846
Dahlonega Car Club Cruise in
Concord Church Parking Lot 1312 Chestaee St Next to Pizza Hut ( GA-60 Hwy)
BUTTERNUT CREEK FESTIVAL @ Meek’s Park, Blairsville
Annual festival Sat & Sun Blairsville Cruisers will have our usual raffle car display and sell donation tickets at the Festival.
Cruise-In on the Square, Blairsville BEST CUSTOM Trophy
Bring your custom car and via for Best Custom trophy, also 3 best in class plaques will be awarded FOOD 50/50 Music FUN
Mid Week Motoring Comfort Grub Restaurant in Murphy
Be there to enjoy fellow motorheads Moved to 4th Wed due to Comfort Closed week of the 15th
MEMBERSHIP MEETING Farmers market Pavilion 6-7:30 pm
POT LUCK....Bring a dish to share We eat @ 6, Meeting @6:30
HillyBilly Show and Shine 2 Maggie Valley 26-27th
Google Maggie Valley events to find out info on this
Blue ridge Dairy Queen Cruise-in
Support the Georgia Mountain Car Club, Blue Ridge and have fun seeing different vehicles from over yonder
2nd Annual Georgia Mountain Classics Cars CAR SHOW
Cleveland , Ga. Info: Tony howard @ 706-300-0217 just past Jackie Jones Ford on Gainesville Hwy Benefit: Family Promise of White & Habersham Counties $20 entry TOP 10 + […]