CHARLOTTE AUTO FAIR @ the Speedway 4th thru 6th
Charlotte Motor Speedway
Farmers Market Cruise in BEST MOPAR trophy
First cruise in of the season. Music***Food****50/50****Trophies BEST MOPAR TROPHY, 3 CLass Winner Plaques Raffle car on display, 1st chnace to get tickets
Clay Masonic Lodge 301 Ramp Fest & CAR SHOW
On the Square in Hayesville. Car Show entry fee: $20 includes meal Noon until 3 pm
Board Meeting
Note new time 4 pm. This will allow members to go to the Comfort Grub Meet in Murphy
Mid-week MOTORING, Comfort Grub Rest. Murphy N.C.
Join us for this old fashioned gathering of motorheads
Raffle Car Tickets available * 50/50 Music Trophy for Best Paint + Class Winner plaque 1st cruise in on the Square for 2019
Membership Meeting
Farmers Market if weather permits. Pot Luck at 6 pm followed by meeting. If weather is bad meet will be at Clubhouse with NO POT LUCK Email reminder and update […]
CORVAIR SHOW & Events in Helen 26-27th
info: 229-883-4123
Blue Ridge Dairy Queen cruise -in 5- 8 pm
The Georgia Mountain Car Club Blue Ridge puts on this cruise -in the 4th Fri of each month @ the Dairy Queen Let's go help support their club
Mt. Yonah Cruisers Cleveland , Ga. CRUISE-IN
@ The Mountain Valley Bank Hwy 129