Apple Country Cruise-in
Springs Shopping Center info: Ronnie @ 706-889-1952
Dahlonega Car Club Cruise-in
Concord Church Parking Lot 1312 Chestaee St Next to Pizza Hut ( GA-60 Hwy)
Comfort Grub restaurant Hwy 64 W Murphy
Blairsville Historic Square Cruise-in….BEST RAT ROD Trophy
Bring out the Rat Rods and maybe win the trophy for Best Rat Rod....Music 50/50 Door Prizes Also win a plaque for best in class for you other guys […]
O’Reilly’s Appreciation Day @ CLEVELAND GA STORE
MEET @ Tanners Towing to leave @ 9 am sharp to caravan to Cleveland. Mustang must be over there to sell raffle tickets. FREE FOOD AND DRINKS Please HELP […]
Pot luck dinner @ 6...Bring a dish to share Meeting @ 6:30
Arnies Auto Service New Location Grand Opening
Cruisers are requested to show up with some cars 11 am -2pm at this event New location on 76/515 just east of Blairsville. Free food and lots of […]
CAR SHOW Cleveland, Ga.
Mt. Yonah Cruisers annual show, Food, Live Music, Lot's of Trophies and Awards Great time last year for the Blairsville Cruisers who attended. Mountain Valley Bank in Cleveland, Ga.