Our Sponsors

Our sponsors have been instrumental in the success of the Blairsville Cruisers. 

Blairsville Cruisers is a 501(c)3 organization.  All donations and sponsorships are fully tax deductible.

Facebook Posts

Keep current with photos of events and car club activities on Facebook. Don't forget to LIKE and FOLLOW!


Interested in becoming a part of the Blairsville Cruisers? We would love to hear from you. CLICK HERE  for Membership Form. Question? Send e-mail to BlairsvilleCruisers@gmail.com

Supporting Our Community

Blairsville Cruisers are involved in a variety of community organizations and their volunteer efforts make a difference!


To  become a sponsor and add your name  or company logo to our Sponsor List please send email to blairsvillecruisers@gmail.com

Blairsville Cruisers became a 501(c)3 organization in August 2019.  All donations and sponsorships are now fully tax deductible!