Got a 90's or new ? Bring it out and compete for Best Late Model trophy + 3 Best in Class plaques up for grabs for you other guys FOOD 50/50 DOOR PRIZES and More
Booth and raffle car will be set up to sell raffle tickets Sat and Sunday event Help this weekend by contributing a couple of ours to work the booth IT'S FUN and you meet great people
50's Sock hop fund raiser for this group. Car show at Haralson Memorial Civic Center in Blairsville ( next to new Skettle restaurant) 4:30 - 8 pm for car show Sock hop starts at 6:30 NEED 30+ cars for this show. TWO Club Choice trophies awarded Set up in parking lot at civic center and […]
Got a Nash, Stude, AMC, or ???? Bring it out and try for a trophy ,Stock, modified, hot rodded or ??? ANYTHING BUT THE BIG 3 goes ! There will be a Best in Class plaque for you other guys to compete for. 50/50 Door Prizes Music Fun
We are set up in front of Cabin Coffee with our costumes and lots of treats to hand out. This is always a lot of fun and the kids love it ! Let's have some new faces show up this year for the fun Set up no later than 4:30 or so
Benefit White Christmas for kids campaign. On the banks of the Chattahoochee River in Helen @ 854 Edelweiss Strasse TROPHIES FOOD RAFFLES GAMES Bring a new unwrapped toy for a kid
All for the veterans!!! Expect 200 cars LOTS OF GOOD FOOD 50/50 DOOR PRIZES MUSIC LAST CHANCE ON RAFFLE CAR TICKETS!!! Registration starts @ 10 am Coffee & Hot Chocolate on sale BEST IN SHOW HUGE TROPHY BEST MILITARY VEHICLE TROPHY Registration fee is donation to help veterans […]