Blairsville Cruisers have been invited to set up our raffle car and sell donation tickets at this great car show. Come on down and enter your car to support our neighbors car show
FREE ICE CREAM TO registered vehicles. Live Music Room for up to 30+ vehicles Location: 54 Cousins Dr, Blairsville Just behind Rib Country on 515 near the new road @ the Framers Market We'll have the Mustang raffle car there and sell raffle tickets
Cleveland , Ga. Info: Tony howard @ 706-300-0217 just past Jackie Jones Ford on Gainesville Hwy Benefit: Family Promise of White & Habersham Counties $20 entry TOP 10 + Tony's Pick Awards. Blairsville / Murphy wil lCaravan from Tanners Towing promptly at 9 am Hayesville and Hiawassee will caravan from Car Quest lot promptly […]
We would love for you to join us for this fundraising event for the restoration of the iconic Bible-based theme park Fields of the Wood. This park has blessed so many people from all over the world! Our prayer is to bring people together around some of the most awesome cars in Cherokee and the […]