Don't miss this big show, bring your ride. Anything on wheels welcome . NO ENTRY FEES TROPHIES FOOD DOOR PRIZES 50/50 and usually over 60 to 85 cars to look at and admire
Northeast Georgia Antique Auto Region Show in CLARKSVILLE at North Georgia Technical College Clarksville Campus 1500 Hwy 197 North in Clarksville 8 am - 5pm both days info at :
Bring your ride to this event. FORDS FROM ALL OVER WILL COMPETE FOR BEST FORD Special trophy in honor of Tom Bruce will be presented to BEST FORD. Beautiful big trophy!! NO ENTRY FEE ALL WELCOME TROPHIES DOOR PRIZES 50/50 and local restaurants nearby are open for your dining experience.
Union County Farmers Market is the place to be at 6 pm for great food ( pot luck ) followed by our members meeting. Be sure to come, bring a dish and learn all about upcoming club events
Cruise in Fri August 24 6-10 pm CAR SHOW Saturday August 25th 8 am - noon at the Fair Grounds in Cumming, Ga. Info: Danny 2 404-372-9637 or email
@ City Electric Supply parking lot 2451 Hilton Court, Gainesville $20 entry fee. Proceeds go to Children's White County Christmas funds TOP 25 trophies/People's Choice trophy GAMES PRIZES FOOD MUSIC Contact: Jerry Gordon 678-283-6188
Bring a dish to share and come enjoy a good time. Meat will be furnished by our expert grill masters. NOON until around 2 pm at the pavilion (across from Meek's Park) near the North Georgia Technical College Entrance off Hwy 515 ( We used to have meetings there ). College entrance and then first left to […]
Lots of cars expected. NO FEE TROPHIES FOOD DOOR PRIZES 50/50 Be sure to come to this event as the season is winding down. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING on WHEELS WELCOME