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AUTO CRUSADE Show & cruise in, Cumming Fair Grounds
Cruise in Fri August 24 6-10 pm CAR SHOW Saturday August 25th 8 am - noon at the Fair Grounds in Cumming, Ga. Info: Danny 2 404-372-9637 or email autocrusade1@gmail.com
2ND ANNUAL CAR SHOW, Gainesville
@ City Electric Supply parking lot 2451 Hilton Court, Gainesville $20 entry fee. Proceeds go to Children's White County Christmas funds TOP 25 trophies/People's Choice trophy GAMES PRIZES FOOD MUSIC […]
CAR CLUB MEMBERS & SPONSORS PICNIC, North Ga. Tech College Pavillion across from Meek’s Park
Bring a dish to share and come enjoy a good time. Meat will be furnished by our expert grill masters. NOON until around 2 pm at the pavilion (across from Meek's […]
Cleveland, Ga Cruise in
Mt Yonah Cruisers host a cruise in @ Mountain Valley Bank, Hwy 129 N in Cleveland. Great drive and great cruise in. Info: David @ 706-892-9782