Blairsville Cruisers Support the Community!
The The Blairsville Cruisers proudly support: Shop with a Cop Program in Blairsville, Shop With a Cruiser, Union County Sherriff’s Gift a Gift Program, Shop With a Hero in Hiawassee, Catalyst Church Kid’s Christmas, Clay County Sheriff’s Cops 4 Kids, local Veteran’s organizations, and local food pantries. Although Cruisers work diligently throughout the year to help make the holidays brighter for children in need in our community, they also provide support throughout the year by assisting families and individual veterans with special needs. While Cruisers cannot meet the needs of everyone in the community everyday, the support of local sponsors and the work of club members make a positive difference in our local communities. Individual Cruisers are also members of other civic organizations and volunteer for other worthy causes. The Blairsville Cruisers are grateful for the opportunities for service and support.